is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Moé for Solarpunk is a small, friendly server run by a group of optimistically-utopian LGBT+ individuals. Registration is by invite only!

Administered by:

Community stats:

active punks

Athena L.M.

This site has been blocked for access by Google and Bing's Web scraper bots, Googlebot and Bingbot. Once upon a time these bots built useful indexes of Web documents that could be used to search for particular keywords and locate relevant information. Unfortunately, this is mostly no longer the case. Given that these bots are also used to assemble machine-learning training sets that are put to unsavory uses, I have decided to disallow these bots [] from crawling the site.

This is a preliminary and mostly symbolic step, prior to more extensive work to block them more effectively, which may involve permitting crawling again so that other directives can be seen.

Original []