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mimo :flagQueerVillainPride:

something I havent thought about before is this weird obsession with game length and percievable amount of content in games.

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride:

Game Length, and the weird focus on More Of It

there are entire websites dedicated to how "long" a game is and i dont understand

why is it somehow implied to be "worse" for a game like Gradius V to have only 7 levels, but a massive game like Elden Ring gets praised for sheer amount of stuff. It feels excessive. This isn't to say big big games are bad by any means, I've enjoyed quite a few big open world type titles, but I don't understand why its a metric that a game should have points detracted from a review because of, or the focus on randomization to pad length.

It feels like one of those "infinite growth" paradoxes of a capitalist system, where the next game MUST be bigger, more sprawling, everything else potentially be damned.

φ-52 "Skylark"

re: Game Length, and the weird focus on More Of It

@lyncia I want shorter games that take longer to make and have worse graphics!!